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Untitled Zombie Game

Engine: Unity

Team Size: Solo

Project Duration: 4 Months (Jan 2023 - April 2023)

Genre: 2D Zombie Shooter

Role: Game Designer, Game Programmer

2D Zombie Unity Game

A 2D zombie game is a survival-horror genre where players must navigate through various levels filled with hordes of zombies.


Levels in Game

There are a total of four levels in the game: City, Sewer, Labs, and the final Forest level where you battle the boss.


Pause menu

The game has a pause menu where the player can quit, resume, return to the main menu, or restart the level.


Main Menu

The main menu offers two options, "Play" and "Quit", accompanied by background music.



The UI of the game contains two elements: the player's health and the objective.

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Dialogue Cutscene

After completing the level, the player will be presented with a story dialogue scene that provides them with the game's narrative.

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